Wednesday, April 1, 2009






a restaurant on baga beach, where i spent alot of time, about 3 weeks.






Dev! He was a friend of mine there, he worked at one of the local restaurants, and we hung out together alot. He's originally from Calcutta, and he one day wants to save up money and start an internet cafe there. Calcutta is in the north, so he came a long ways to get to Goa, but alot of people come to Goa during the busy season to find work in the tourism industry. The sad part is, though, that there were about 1/3 the amount of tourists in 08 as in other years. For one thing, there's a recession, and also threats of terrorism.


salt n pepper

Baga Beach - Hookah, Feni, Limca :)

Right near my room in Baga Beach

Nice view on a mountain in Goa

my little Toad buddy, right outside my room

Yay! A toad! he was chillin right outside my room :)

Hotel, in Panaji, Goa

On the road, Goa

a Restaurant in Baga Beach

Traditional Karnataka Garb

I think this is by far the coolest photo i took. He's wearing traditional Karnataka clothing.

the Loneliest Toilet

This was the loneliest toilet in India....

Blue Tao Restaurant, goa

This organic pizza restaurant. it was sooo good. there was no one there except for me and this british guy who brought a book. I don't understand why, but I heard pizza wasn't very popular in india, which is a shame..

i found this type of thing all over india

hehe. i saw ads like this all over. bring the whole family!